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The Princess of Suburbia  Brand

The Princess of Suburbia, Princess Fumi Hancock is hop and about with her brand. She just recently released a movie, Of Sentimental Value and her Book, Of Sentimental Value. Her movie has just garners nominations at the NAFCA African Oscars: Best Drama, Make up and Princess in Suburbia Lifestyle TV Show is also nominated as 2014 Best Talk Show! Princess Fumi Hancock won the Nollywood African Films & Critics (NAFCA) African Oscar Peoples' Choice Award as Favorite Screewriter.


The Princess in Suburbia Blog

Of Sentimental Value, THE BOOK

Of Sentimental Value, THE MOVIE

My Official Webpage

Of Sentimental Value Gives Back to My Girls in Africa






 Â© 2015 - 2018  by The Princess in SuburbiaTV
a celebrated  television talk show


... Where  Dreams Flourish

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